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Play. Sweat. Win. 

This year, I intend to clear the way for more of an abundant mindset in what I say and do. That includes intentionally taking action around my self-care, on a consistent basis - no matter how busy I am, I’m scheduling my movement time. 


It’s a must to schedule workouts! In 2020 I’m entering two Triathlons, a Spartan Stadion race at Citi Field with Dr. Jenn, an ABC Chief Medical Correspondent, ObGyn, Nutritionist, Best-selling Author, Fitness Freak ! (We’re going to have so much fun!) and more!

My wellness journey doesn’t just begin with healthy eating habits and incorporating a workout regimen into my everyday routine. It takes determination and self-motivation to be able to train and endure rough terrain, extreme temperatures, and pushing through fatigue. I make it a priority to work out consistently, 5-6 days a week, which preparing me for those conditions. Training not only makes me stronger physically but prepares me to overcome each obstacle I face and become stronger mentally as well. 

My training includes a 5:45 A.M. cycle class. Yes, really. Though getting out of bed in the dead of winter is the absolute LAST thing I want to do in the morning, I encourage myself by thinking about how rewarding it will feel once my workout is complete.

Emme bike Danskin 2012.jpg

That’s when the phrase and hashtag, “ #Playsweatwin,” rings most true. I always need to play…then if I sweat I know I’m working-it, so if I play and sweat, well, it’s a WIN WIN all around!

Following my spin class - on occasion I take a 3.2-mile brisk walk/run outside. If not, I save my walk run’s for every other day I don’t spin. When it snow, you’ll find out outside. Snowshoeing on the weekends is a luxury — it’s one of my favorite activities in the winter!

With all this activity, I basically wring out my stress and build conductive energy. When I don’t move, shake, jump or groove, it’s like I’m missing something. So kicking-it is a part of my groove and what makes me a happy and well-adjusted individual, on most days:)

Being a cancer survivor (thriver), I am keenly aware of how food and products affect my body. I try to incorporate healthy eating into this routine as often as possible and make wellness choices when I shop for food and cleaning products for my own home. (My SHOP will reflect many of my favorite things in the next month so check back!) When I purchase, I go for as many non-toxic, organic and best quality goods and foods as possible. I truly feel this upfront investment keeps me literally out of the hospital.

I love to eat and have a voracious appetite. When I return from my walk or run, I make myself a healthy gluten-free, dairy-free breakfast. Avocado mash with dairy-free feta cheese on whole-grain gluten-free toast as one of my go-to breakfast combinations. Other days, I enjoy some Chobani yogurt with granola (by some miracle, Chobani doesn’t actually hurt my stomach!). 

I live by the motto “love the skin you’re in” and “go for the joy!” My main goal is to keep healthy and fit to enjoy all life has to offer -  be a supportive mom, friend, and mentor. I hope you all consider coming along on this journey with me. 

Tag #playsweatwin and together, let’s motivate one another and build energy to accomplish what we’re here to do.